

Isabella is conscious that the precious materials used in jewellery have a massive toll on the environment and the communities that produce or mine the materials.

To reduce the demand for non ethically sourced materials Isabella makes sure that the materials she uses has as little negative effect to the environment or people.


Isabella uses fair trade gold in her practice. Fairtrade Gold is the world's first independent ethical certification system for gold. The Fairtrade Gold Standards include strict requirements on working conditions, health and safety, handling chemicals, women’s rights, child labour and protection of the environment.
Fairtrade Gold makes a real difference to the lives of miners, their families and communities. Buying Fairtrade Gold means you know the small-scale and artisanal miners were paid a fair price, giving them financial security. They also receive an extra amount of money to invest in building the future of their families and their communities, through education, clean water and healthcare.


Isabella also uses gold from old jewellery that is no longer wanted and gives it new life in her work. Reusing old gold is a great way to reduce the impact of gold mining. It also adds history and an extra layer of a story to Isabella’s work.

Isabella takes commissions, so if you have any old gold jewellery you don’t know what to do with, Isabella can forge it into a new piece of jewellery for you.


Isabella also sources her gemstones from credited suppliers who sell ethically sourced gemstones, with as little impact to the environment as possible and with care and priority for the workers. Isabella’s main sources for gemstones are Gemstones Brazil and nineteen48 who bring responsibly-sourced, fully traceable, ethical gemstones.


All Isabella’s non cast silver is 100% recycled silver which she buys through one supplier who provide certified 100% recycled silver.

The jewellery that Isabella uses castings to create is made from silver provided by JewelCast, a Responsible Jewellery Council certified company. RJC is the world’s leading sustainability standard setting organisation for the jewellery and watch industry.


Where It’s All Made